This research was conducted on fourth grade students and teachers of SD Sitirejo on the the planning made by the teacher, the learning process using educational games and analyzing mathematical problem solving skills using the educational game quizizz. The most important mathematical ability that must be mastered by of which is solving mathematical problems to find and process information and choose and apply appropriate strategies to find problem solutions with the help of educational game quizizz to answer math problems in the form questions. This research is qualitative descriptive study. The research data were obtained from fourth grade students and fourth grade homeroom teachers at SD Sitirejo. Data collection techniques in this study, observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis in this study includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusion. The results of this study are 1) The learning planning carried out by the teacher determines basic competencies, selects teaching materials, prepares learning tools such as lesson plans (RPP), problem grid, media and learning evaluation. 2) The learning process when using media quizizz at the end of learning to answer quiz questions. 3) The ability to solve problem using quizizz can be seen from the result of the scores or points of students, there are five people who gate low scores. Students in the low category who are less able to carry out ploblem solvin are involved in their answer sheets whose result are still not correct. Mathematical problem solving abilities in quiz questions make students appy and anthusiastic so that they can achieve learning goals.
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