Laili Alfiani, Ratri Rahayu


The ability to understand concepts is very important in learning mathematics. The abstract quality of mathematics, not a few students who think that mathematics are difficult and boring subject because it involves many formulas. Students only memorized the formula who found in learning without know and understanding where the formula came from. Limited face-to-face learning during the covid-19 pandemic affected students’s ability to understand concepts. This research aims to know the ability to understand students's concepts on limited face-to-face learning in the covid-19 pandemic. This research was conducted at SMP N 1 Bangsri and used qualitative descriptive methods. The subject of this study was a class VII D student of 32 students. The instrument used are the result of the ability to understand concepts test with questions as many as 7 points of questions in algebra form materials and student interviews. Based on the results of research conducted it can be concluded that the ability to understand mathematical concepts of students in SMP N 1 Bangsri included in the enough category. Students have not been able to fulfill seven indicators of mathematical concept understanding ability well


Concept Comprehension Skills; Algebra Forms; Limited Face-to-Face Learning

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