Silvia Halwa, Henry Suryo Bintoro, Himmatul Ulya


The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is an influence of self-concept on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students. Self-concept is an understanding of oneself or ideas about oneself. The learning experience of students can be assessed from their learning achievements. It takes a positive self-concept towards the lesson in accordance with what is actually in the student. With a positive self-concept, students are expected to achieve maximum learning outcomes. This study uses a quantitative descriptive study conducted at SD 2 Mlati Lor, Kudus, Indonesia. The subjects of this study were fifth grade teachers and fifth grade students of SD 2 Mlati Lor who opened 30 students. Techniques for collecting data were interviews, questionnaires or questionnaires and documentation. While the data analysis technique in this study used quantitative analysis which was tested using statistical tests. The results in this study show that there is an influence between Self Concept and mathematics learning outcomes for fifth grade students of SD 2 Mlati Lor by looking at the results of the tcount hypothesis of 1.496 with a significance of 0.146 (0.146> 0.05), meaning that the self-concept variable has a positive and insignificant effect on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SD 2 Mlati Lor, the conclusion is Ha is rejected


self concept; mathematics learning outcomes; elementary school students

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