Nur Aini Fuadiati, Nafida Hetty Marhaeni, Melania Eva Wulanningtyas


Cooperative learning is a strategy in teaching and learning that emphasizes student collaboration and cooperation. In cooperative learning, students' mathematical communication ability is needed. Thus, the use of cooperative learning models needs to be applied to stimulate students' communication skills. Therefore, the purpose of this research to describes the need of implementing cooperative learning models to stimulate students' mathematical communication ability. The type of research is descriptive qualitative research. The subjects of this research were seventh-grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah Susukan, Semarang Regency. The data collection techniques were used in the form of observation, interview, preliminary study questionnaire, and students' mathematical communication ability test questions. Data analysis used in this research is to data reducing, data presenting, and concluding. The results 66% of students had low mathematical communication ability. Based on the results of the interview with the mathematics teacher, it was found that the learning model applied had not been able to stimulate students' mathematical communication ability. While the results of the preliminary study questionnaire showed that only 25% of students like mathematics and the remaining students are less active in learning mathematics. Furthermore, 80% of students are interested in learning if using a cooperative model. This is because students will be stimulated by their communication skills if learning is formed in group teams. Thus, this research concludes that implementing the cooperative learning model needs to be applied to stimulate students' mathematical communication ability


Needs analysis; cooperative learning model; mathematics communication skills

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