This study aims to analyze the profile of students' ability to understand mathematical concepts in direct learning with social arithmetic material. The research subjects were 30 students in class VIIC of SMP 5 Kudus. This research is a qualitative descriptive research. Collecting data through written tests and teacher interviews. The research instrument used was a concept understanding test sheet and a teacher interview sheet. Data analysis in this study is data analysis according to Miles and Hubbermen, which includes data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. Based on the data obtained from the test results of the ability to understand mathematical concepts on 30 students stated that the students' conceptual understanding ability is low, because there are 0% of students who can complete 6 to 4 indicators, 6.67% of students who can complete 3 indicators, 13.34% students who can complete 2 indicators, 56.67% of students who can complete 1 indicator, and 20% of students who cannot complete 6 indicators of ability to understand mathematical concepts through direct learning, and get an average of 12. their mathematical understanding is not good and states that students have difficulty understanding the concept of material in mathematics learning, have difficulty understanding story or literacy problems, and consider mathematics learning unattractive. They are also reluctant to learn independently because of their habit of dependence on teachers and friends, and tend to be passive and not catch up
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