Maya Alemina Ketaren, Parkumpulan Siregar, Tisa Enika Br Sitepu


Augmented Reality-based science banner is one of the media for learning math with the utilization of innovation. The fast advancement of innovation expects training to improve learning gadgets with innovation, this learning media is made as a type of creating innovation based learning apparatuses that are as per instructive requirements. This study expects to decide the plausibility and adequacy of numerical banners on building materials utilizing Augmented Reality (AR). The subjects of this review were 5th grade primary school understudies. This kind of examination ADDIEmodel (Analyze, Design, Developtment, Implementation, Evaluation). The consequences of this study show that the Mathematics Poster for Building Spaces with Augmented Reality is "Extremely Appropriate" with a worth given by Design and Technology specialists in the "Upside" class with an achievability show of 89% in the "Fair" classification. The aftereffects of the approval of mathematicians in the "Awesome" classification and a plausibility show pace of 93% in the "Entirely Eligible" classification. The aftereffects of the educator evaluation are in the "Generally excellent" class and the achievability show rate is 94% with the "Entirely Eligible" classification. Also founded on the consequences of the pre-test and post-test, an increment in understudy learning results in the material of building space was gotten


Learning Media Based on Technology; Augmented Reality; Mathematics

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