Sri Idayani, Nafida Hetty Marhaeni, Arie Purwanto


Number sense is an intellectual ability which useful for students since they would have an important role in the future. In learning mathematics, number sense is one of the prerequisites for mathematical skills. Besides number sense, the problem-solving ability also plays an important role in learning mathematics. Thus, it is needed to analyze the related number sense through mathematical problem-solving ability. This research aims to identify the analysis need of number sense through students' mathematical problem-solving ability. The type of research is a qualitative. The subjects of this research were seven grader students of SMP Negeri 2 Sleman, Yogyakarta. The instruments used in this study were observation, interview, preliminary study questionnaires, and test questions of initial problem-solving ability. The data analysis in this research used the Miles and Huberman model consists of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of this research are first of students' number sense skill still low, second some student unable to understand the given material, third there are twenty three percent of students has the number sense with high category thus able to answer the question. Therefore, further analysis is discovering the ability of students' number sense skills through problem-solving ability


needs analysis; number sense; problemsolving ability

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