This study aims to describe the inculcation of the character of discipline and responsibility in children in Ngiyono Village and the driving and inhibiting factors. This research uses descriptive qualitative as the stage of carrying out the research and is carried out in Ngiyono Village, Jepah District, Blora Regency with research subjects Parents and elementary school students. This study uses data collection techniques including the stages of observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the data analysis used is Miles and Huberman's analysis, namely data collection, data reduction, data submission, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that inculcating the character of discipline and responsibility in children. The results showed that the development of disciplined and responsible personality for children in Ngiyono Village, through the closest climate, became special guardians and regional individuals who were ingrained in tendencies and models in the attitude of discipline and obligation. . Then, the supporting variables in instilling disciplined personality and character responsibility in children in Ngiyono Village, especially the existence of legal decisions at home, good correspondence foundation, and close family relations. and the climate around the house. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor comes from the climate of children's play. Children regularly fail to remember their time and commitments when they play with their friends. Then, at that time, another obstacle experienced by the guardian is the tendency of the attention behavior to start to blur. The conclusion of this study shows that the inculcation of the character of discipline and responsibility in children is influenced by the home, school and community environment. Even so, there are still inhibiting factors such as the child's environment being unfavorable to the erosion of the culture of courtesy caused by modernization, but this can be overcome by giving examples and examples by parents of children who can imitate them well.
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