The teacher The teacher gives math problems without being explained, only gives one example problem, making students find it difficult to process information, ask questions, and find new terms that make students' critical thinking skills still lacking. This causes students' mathematical critical thinking skills to not develop optimally. This study aims to analyze the critical thinking skills of elementary school students on open ended questions in terms of cognitive style. This research approach is a qualitative descriptive type of research that will be carried out at SDN Cabak 01 with the subject of 30 fifth grade elementary school students. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Subjects were given a GEFT test to distinguish students' cognitive style FI (Field Independent) and FD (Field Dependent). The student did a critical thinking ability test according to critical thinking indicators, namely critical, moderately critical, and less critical. The student did 3 critical thinking tests and interviews. Data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study are that the characteristics of students with FI (Field Independent) cognitive style are more independent than FD (Field Dependent) cognitive styles tend to require assistance. FIL, FIM, and FIK students have different indicators and on average have not been able to give open answers. FDL, FDM, FDK students have different indicators and on average are able to give open-ended questions.
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