Students' mathematical creative thinking ability is still low because students' learning independence has not been maximized so that it needs to be followed up. When Learning with the Distance System (PJJ), the teacher only provides material and assignments that are shared via Whatsapp Groups without providing a detailed explanation. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct further research on mathematical creative thinking skills in terms of student learning independence on the material of Linear Equations and Inequality One Variables (PLSV and PtLSV) with the Distance Learning System (PJJ) with Whatsapp media. Aspects of high-level mathematical creative thinking include fluency (fluency), flexibility (flexibility), originality (authenticity) and elaboration (details). This research is a qualitative descriptive study that will be carried out in class VIII-A of SMP 4 Bae Kudus with a sample of class VIII-A. This mathematical creative thinking ability is grouped into 3 categories, namely high, medium and low. Each category will be represented by 3 students to conduct interviews and answer questions in the form of a questionnaire. The interview subject selection technique was purposive sampling technique. Data collection was taken through interviews, filling out learning independence questionnaires and questions about mathematical creative thinking skills on the material of Linear Equations and Inequality of One Variable (PLSV and PtLSV). The iearning independence of SMP 4 Bae students has not been maximized during online learning which also results in the students being less than optimal in honing their mathematical creative thinking skills, therefore class VIII-A is the subject of this study. Class VIII-A consists of 30 students grouped into 3 criteria, namely high, medium, and low criteria.
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