ICT and Teaching Reading in The Tose Preparation of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta: Students’ Perception

Ana Wiyasa Nugrahawati


The use of technology or ICT has become an essential factor in teaching and learning process. Especially, teaching and learning in TOSE (Test of Standard English) Preparation. This test is administrated by Language Center Unit of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. There are three aspects that taught by instructor, such as Listening Comprehension, Structure-Written Expression and Reading Comprehension. This study focused on teaching Reading Comprehension. Usually, each TOSE classes use some type of technology tools that are used to support and enhance language learning. This research is qualitative research with the sample participants are 10 (ten) percent from 4.117 students in second semester from all faculties at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. The researcher spread questionnaire to students to collect data. This research focuses on the role of technology in teaching reading. In addition, the researcher investigates the student’s perception the utilizing of ICT in the teaching Reading process in the classroom. It addresses the significance of technology that allows learners to develop their learning abilities. In this paper, the researchers describe the term technology integration, of technology, explain the use of technology in the language classroom, discuss the advantages and challenges of technology integration, and provide some recommendations for better use of these technologies to help learners develop their learning abilities.


tose preparation;ict;technology;reading comprehension;student’s perception

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