The Evolution of English Subjects: Changes and Challenges

Suciati Suciati, Umi Ume Umeroh


Curriculum is arranged to make the education quality better so it is evaluated and changed gradually. This study aims to analyze the changes of English subjects and its challenges. This descriptive qualitative research was conducted in an Islamic College in Kudus, Central Java Indonesia. The research subjects are five English lecturers for non-English department students. It reveals that since 2001, English subjects for non-English education Department are changed along four times: Bahasa Inggris I, Bahasa Inggris II, and Praktik Bahasa Inggris (2001- 2010), Bahasa Inggris I and Bahasa Inggris II (2011-2015), Bahasa Inggris and Praktikum Bahasa Inggris (2016-2020), and 2021-present (Bahasa Inggris). This change creates the lecturer’s anxiety because teaching English for non-English Education Department need more practice. The challenges for the lecturers are the limited subject/period for learning and practice and the limited representative English books that meet the non-English Education department students’ learning need. From this research, the writers recommend that the availability of English for Specific Purposes or English books for non-English departments are really needed. The writers expect that there will be policy that ESP can be department subject for supporting Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM).


Curriculum;English subject changes;and teaching challenges

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