The Implementation of English in The Integrated Curriculum to Realize Industrial Class Through Jiva Bestari in SMK PGRI 2 Kudus

Khorid Datul Muniroh


Current curriculum changes are probably the biggest challenges teachers have to face in every year. In this case, being a teacher should adapt the existing curriculum, especially being an English teacher at a Vocational High School requires you to be able to apply an integrated curriculum with other subjects. The integrated curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes the relationship between one lesson with another, but still pays attention to the characteristics of each field of study. In this curriculum, subjects are not presented separately because all subjects are combined into one project for joint assessment. A big challenge for English teachers when teaching at Vocational High Schools through this integrated curriculum, teachers must have innovative ways of how learning English connects with other subjects as a form of implementing an integrated curriculum. The purpose of the result is to know how the integrated curriculum apply in SMK PGRI 2 Kudus to realize industrials class through Jiva Bestari. At SMK PGRI 2 Kudus, it has implemented an integrated curriculum to realize industrial classes, especially in culinary majors through the Jiva Bestari as teaching factory. The Industrial Class at SMK is one of the programs rolled out to help SMK students learn directly about business processes in industry. We use qualitative research based on study case for the research. The result of this research that emerges from this program is to narrow the gap between the skill needs of the industrial world and SMK graduates. The role of the English teacher in this case is how to realize learning with an integrated curriculum to help prepare students to take industrial classes. In this case, at SMK PGRI 2 Kudus for students who are selected in the industrial class will carry out learning at Jiva Bestari as a teaching factory.


Integrated Curriculum;English Teacher;Industrial Class;Jiva Bestari

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