Ice Breaking Activity: Story Books to Overcome Reading Anxiety for First-Grade of Junior High School

Ummi Latifaturrizqia


Ice breaking is a fun activity, game, or event to get people talking and know each other before the meeting or class begins. In this era, some teachers always get a problem with students' lack of motivation to learn English, Learning English is very complex because English has four basic skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this study, the researcher tries to examine about one of the four components, namely reading. In this era, some teachers always get a problem with students' lack of motivation to learn English which makes them get reading anxiety, some of the students feel not interested, especially when the reading session begins, in this case, ice-breaking activities are needed to make the class atmosphere more enjoyable, The purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of story books as ice-breaking can overcome reading anxiety in 1st-grade junior high school student, this study used descriptive qualitative with some previous research as an instrument, The results of this study indicate that storybooks can be used as ice-breaking to overcome reading anxiety in 1st-grade junior high school students.


Ice breaking;Reading anxiety;Story book

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