Sri Supiah Cahyati


As teachers are expected to help students attain greater levels, the quality of Teacher Professional Development (TPD) has become a growing educational problem. Teachers are expected to meet new criteria, and educational institutions are urging them to do so. Furthermore, how teachers teach subject matter knowledge in unique circumstances using certain instructional methods and technology determines a teacher's success in TPACK. As a result, the consequences of how technology is utilized become highly substantial. The necessity for giving kindergarten and primary school teachers, as well as parents of young learners, with the ability to select or create an engaging digital multimodal book, i.e. book creator with English learning activities, inspired this conceptual-based research. Children who are digital natives prefer digital books to traditional ones. While they are reading, the multiple media incorporated in the digital interactive multimodal book may excite all five senses, making learning more engaging. Since there are little studies on the use of digital books for young learners in Indonesian contexts, this study provides a conceptual-based research on the issue.


digital literacy, interactive multimodal book, young learners

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