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Authentic assessment has become a complementary practice in higher education as a result of global pressures to increase graduate employability. Authentic assessment is a method of evaluating a learner's skills and abilities using a range of visible indicators to provide opportunities for them to practice solving real-world problems. The activities include demonstrations of skills, hands-on experience, and projects. This sort of assessment has been used in numerous courses at teacher education institutions that prepare pre-service teachers to become professional novice teachers. The purpose of this paper is to unfold how authentic assessment was used in the Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) course. Micro-teaching, video analysis, and service-learning were among the authentic assessment tasks offered to pre-service English teachers. Apart from improving their teaching abilities, these exercises are seen as strategies to boost their creativity and problem-solving capabilities. To make the lessons learned more concrete, this paper includes challenges in conducting authentic assessment tasks, particularly during online learning.


authentic assessment, TEYL, creativity, problem-solving, pre-service English teachers

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