Rismiyanto - Rismiyanto, Fitri Budi Suryani, Muh - Shofiyuddin


Everybody likes song from their own view and interest, and so do the adolescent learners. The obvious reasons of their interest toward the song as it can bop their head, dance without fear of being judged, and sing along as loudly as they want. Song has some real benefits in adolescent development. It can help them hone their fine motor and language skills, boost self-confidence, and much more. Song supported with aesthetical lyrics and music stimulates them to get along with and match their feeling. Song is then for adolescent learners like a companion for them in various situations. Literarily translating popular songs from source languages into target languages is a certain challenging self-reinforcement for adolescent learners. They would try to apply the procedural theories of literary translation which are bit complicated but challenging for them. This article is aimed at investigating how the adolescent learners perceive the implication of literary song translation to self-reinforce them in acquiring English well. This article is based on mini research conducted toward the eleventh graders of Madrasah Aliyah Tasywiquth Thullab Salafiyah (MA TBS) Kudus. It employs qualitative research design by using questionnaire for collecting data needed. This article, in short, indicates that the adolescent learners mostly perceive that they feel challenged and self-reinforced in acquiring language. In addition, islamic translation is an interesting and effective way of aqquiring English for the students.


literary islamic song, translation, english acquisition, adolescent learners.

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